Legal action against porn producers
Legal action against porn producers

What to do if you want to take legal action against a porn film producer
If you have appeared in a porn film, you may feel that you have been exploited by the porn film producer. This could be how and why you performed in the porn film, what the producer has told you after the film was made and its distribution. These all form elements of how we take legal action against porn film producers.
How porn film producers may exploit actors
Specialists for legal action against porn film producers
What legal action can take against porn film producers
How to get permanent porn film removal
How porn film producers exploit actors
Many vulnerable, reluctant participants who have been enticed into participating in porn films do so without little remuneration and often, with coercion. Porn film producers will do what they can to get actors to perform and their intent is to turn those porn films into lucrative endeavours, with little regard to the porn film actors. Many performers do not fully appreciate the long-term consequences of appearing in a porn film and nor would it be explained to them. Often, they are just told that they signed a consent. Consensus is that nobody will help people that have put themselves ‘willingly’ into vulnerable positions involving sex. This is what gives porn film producers oxygen. Porn film actors are left feeling humiliated, intimidated and helpless.
Specialists for legal action against porn film producers
We are specialists in removing porn films and intimate images from the internet, however long they have been on there and whether the participants were willing or not. Cases of this nature, require a lot of in-depth investigation and can be challenging, depending on the time that the films have been on the internet and also in terms of proving and disproving events that may have been taken a long time ago.
What clients find immediate comfort in is that we can facilitate a tremendous amount of images and videos from the internet with our unique tools. We remove porn videos from search engines and websites, including all links, extracts and copies, including any personal information and defamation. We often utilise right to be forgotten for this. In order to remove the source of the porn film, we track down porn film producers, for their cooperation. In most cases, porn film producers cooperate without contesting, since many do not want any exposure whatsoever and our letters clearly define what we require from them and what laws we intend to rely on in order to sue them, should they fail to comply.
What ultimately happens is that we gain back full ownership of the copyright to the porn film and compensation for our clients. The compensation does not remove the stress that our clients have endured but it very often gives our clients a new boost to life, in terms of freedom and getting on with their lives.
What legal action can you take against a porn film producer
Legal action against porn film producers might include legal breach of data, legal action for harassment, legal action for breach of privacy and legal action for breach of copyright. Porn film producers could be also be committing criminal offences, such as Controlling and Coercive Behaviour and Revenge Porn.
You can challenge a porn film producer in relation to any consent that you might have given when you created or acted in the films and in relation to any forms that you might have signed. This includes challenging a consent form and a release form.
You might take legal action in for breach of contract if you believe that the film producer went beyond what was originally agreed. This challenge might cover a contract that you signed but did not understand or a contract to which you have agreed, without first taking legal advice. Broadly speaking, because the film producer is the more powerful party to the agreement, it would be for the producer to prove that they he had acted in a manner which was fair and lawful.
There are various laws that protect the least powerful party to an agreement and which place responsibility for fairness at the hands of the more powerful party. You need to obtain legal advice that is right for you and for your circumstances. Every case is different and there might be other ways, not listed here, for you to challenge a film producer and if needed take the producer to court.
How to get permanent porn film removal
How to ensure that the porn film doesn’t appear again even after full internet removal is through transfer of copyright. Whoever produces the sex film, owns the copyright, so in this instance, that copyright is with the porn film producer. Transfer of copyright helps enforce that any publications in the future of the porn film is prohibited. The copyright is transferred over to the porn film actor and so, it belongs to them and not the porn film producer. This means that the performer now has the power over that porn film and nobody else can do anything with it. This brings long term relief for performers.
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