Sex worker lawyer
Sex worker lawyer
Online pornography legal advice

Legal advice and support for individuals involved in pornography
We are a firm of lawyers who represent UK sex workers and individuals who are involved in the porn industry. We provide online pornography legal advice. We have extensive experience in representing sex workers, escorts, professional porn actors, strippers, sex phone operators, models, international website operators and anybody that needs legal help relating to sex and/on the internet.
Can the police help you with legal issues of pornography
How can a lawyer help with internet pornography
Exploitation by sex film producers
Sextortion and webcam sex workers
Breach of privacy of sex workers
Can sex workers remove sex videos of themselves
What laws protect sex workers online
How can a lawyer help with internet pornography
Can the police help you with legal issues of pornography
Every person who is the subject of a crime, particularly a sex crime, should report the crime to the police. The police however are not always as helpful as one would expect. Often people involved in pornography are also being harassed but the police sometimes are less helpful because of the perception that the harassed sex worker has placed herself in the harassing situation she is complaining about. Many sex workers do not go to the police for a multitude of reasons and fear is a big factor. Fear of being disbelieved or victim-blamed and because they may be in a coercive relationship and fear more violence against them. The victims often have a family to protect and may worry about exposure. This can leave many sex workers feeling vulnerable and unsupported.
Can the police help you with legal issues of pornography
An experienced sex industry worker lawyer, and there aren't many of us around, can provide legal advice and huge amount of support. A good lawyer can help you pursue a complaint with the police, an injunction to stop publications of sex videos and even claim compensations against the film producers. A lawyer might also help you trademark your name and recover any unpaid money that might have been due to you from a firm producer which you have earned through performing on a webcam site.
Exploitation by sex film producers
Exploitation of actors by sex film producers is rife in the sex film industry. Many people are coaxed into sex films when they are at low points in their lives, with the promise of money and being looked after, only to find out that they are not paid and are treated with violence.
Often, sex workers can find themselves in coercive relationships with sex film producers, who have complete control over their lives, whereby sex film producers hold their passports. They can fear seeking help because of threatened further violence and deportation, for instance. It is also common for sex film producers to tell sex film actors that they had agreed to their sex film performance because they signed a consent form, which are often illegal documents.
Sextortion and webcam sex workers
Webcam sex workers often perform using different identities and provide webcam sexual services in disguise. What is on the increase is people that they are engaging with online, are recording them, with a view to blackmail.
When they request a webcam worker's Paypal details, the sextortion perpetrator will have their real names and addresses. This is where the blackmailing begins. The person committing sextortion threatens exposure online by posting the sexcam videos to their social media accounts and other areas of the internet. There is so much information about people online that perpetrators of blackmail can use for their sextortion scams.
Revenge porn and sex workers
The criminal act of revenge porn is being committed on sex workers in order to cause stress for the long term. When someone falls victim to Revenge Porn, they are also a victim of Harassment, since having images and videos posted without consent will ultimately cause distress and anxiety, Often, blackmail is involved, either for money or for control.
Coercion and sex workers
Being subjected to coercive control often occurs when sex workers are not managing their own businesses and are controlled by pimps, managers, landlords, partners and brothel keepers. Sex workers often talk about being lured into a false sense of security by the perpetrator of coercion and it was hard to escape, since they were convinced of obligations to feel grateful. What started out as a grooming period of care, then turned to violence, threats, humiliation and intimidation.
Breach of privacy of sex workers
Breach of privacy of sex workers by posting images, videos and personal information about the sex worker is too common in the pornographic industry. Often breach of privacy of a sex worker is used as a threat to stop the sex worker from pursuing her legal rights or from going to the police. The fear of being exposed with her real name is very substantial and is often a factor that keeps reluctant participants working in the sex industry.
Harassment of porn workers
Harassment is harassment whether it is online or offline and regardless of whether the victim has been involved in pornography. It is a criminal offence and a civil wrongdoing to harass an individual and the fact that an individual has not been complaining of harassment for a period of time, does not permit the harasser to continue with the harassing activities.
Online harassment for sex workers and of other people who had been involved in pornography may be committed through live sex sessions, social media, personal websites, email, texts and forums. Harassment also covers non-consensual uploading of sex related images and videos and the posting of private information, since it causes alarm and distress.
Can sex workers remove sex videos of themselves
There are many ways to challenge the validity and the legality of publication of sex videos. Actors in sex films have rights to leaked sex tapes, hidden camera films, non-consensual and consensual videos, sexual images and cybersex webcam recordings on the internet. Porn actors might also have rights to have sex videos, to which they had been paid, to have removed from the internet. It all depends on the circumstances of the filming.
Many sex film actors were duped into the sex films with the promise that they were not going on the internet. What is also common is for old sex tapes to leak onto the internet, when people have done sex work in a past life.
In circumstances where you have been filmed without your consent by hidden cameras, or been subjected to voyeurism, you are most likely to have rights to have the intimate films removed from the Internet.
What laws protect sex workers online
There are laws that are intended to protect sex workers and people who have been featured in pornographic films. Depending on the behaviours and the acts, there are a number of legislations that sex workers in particular can rely on.
For example, it is illegal to share an intimate image or video without consent and with the intention of causing distress and these might include the laws of Revenge Porn, Copyright infringement, Trademark infringement, Breach of Privacy, Misuse of confidential information and Defamation.
Voyeurism is a sexual offence and it is where someone has recorded a sex video or taken a private image of someone without their knowledge or consent for sexual gratification.
Controlling and Coercive Behaviour is a criminal offence and is another form of Harassment.
Harassment, which is a crime and civil wrongdoing, happens twice and is intended to cause distress and anxiety, which could cover many issues that sex workers report. When someone falls victim to Revenge Porn, for instance, then they are also a victim of Harassment.
How can a lawyer help with internet pornography
We listen carefully to all situations and advise, soundly. We put together a strategic plan that will have considered all of the intricacies and complexities of cases. We dig deep but we also tread carefully, understanding sex worker's unique situations. We make perpetrators accountable for many criminal acts and civil wrongdoings against people from all walks of life.
We do not judge and we believe that nobody should make judgements on why people do what they do or have to do what they do. Whether it is choice, circumstance or coercion, we want sex workers to know that if they need an internet lawyer, we are here. We provide an outstanding service, due to our knowledge, experience and dedication and it is what makes us unique and excellent in the work that we do. We can also ensure that people remain anonymous to the public.
We are of course discreet, we don't judge and we only print stories that our clients have consented to, with the premise of helping others, so that people know that they can seek help from us for such serious matters too, since there isn't a law firm like us. We are the only law firm that specialises in adult pornography on the internet.

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- Email: Helpline(at)
- Registered Office: Warlies Park House, Horseshoe Hill, Waltham Abbey, Essex EN9 3SL